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How to enrol into BFLO?

BFLO takes referrals each school term from the following local state schools in Bendigo:

-Eaglehawk Secondary School

-Crusoe Secondary School
-Bendigo Southeast Secondary School

-Kalianna Special School

-Bendigo Senior Secondary School

-Weeroona College Bendigo



Enrolment Process

Students must be enrolled at one of the listed local schools to be eligible for a referral to BFLO. The school principal must approve all students from their school before they can be enrolled. Each school has a designated key contact who is responsible for completing the referral process. The application is completed online via the Department of Education and Training platform. Referrals open in week 3 of each term and close in week 7. Students also have the opportunity to participate in transition days and take a tour of BFLO to ensure the setting is suitable for each individual young person. 

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Enrolment Process

After an application is submitted by schools, a panel of BFLO staff and DET representatives meets to review each application. During the panel meeting, each student's application is discussed and thoroughly reviewed to ensure BFLO is the most appropriate setting. No enrolment is finalised until the panel agrees and the Regional Director provides final approval. The application process is strict and thorough, as Flexible Learning Options are considered a high level of intervention by the Department of Education and Training.

Eligibility Process

Eligibility for Bendigo FLO applies to students who meet the following criteria:

  • The Principal of the student's local secondary school is willing to endorse the referral.

  • All other educational options and reasonable adjustments to engage the student have been exhausted.

  • Reintegration into a mainstream school environment is no longer feasible due to long-term disengagement, negative school experiences, exclusion, or a breakdown in the student-school relationship.

  • A school-based learning environment is deemed unsuitable to meet the student's needs.

  • The student faces high complexity, including co-occurring risk factors, requiring individualised support due to potential harm to themselves, peers, or staff.

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Enrolment Duration 

Enrolments at BFLO are not time-limited: some students may be ready to return to their local secondary school within a semester, while other students may need BFLO’s support for two or more years. Students’ readiness to transition back to school is decided collectively with the student, the significant people in their lives (family and carers, case workers etc.) and their destination school’s Wellbeing, Teaching and Leadership staff. Note: the destination school is the school/organisation that best meets the current pathway needs of the student and, therefore, may not be the school that referred the student to BFLO.


What do I do if I want to enrol with BFLO?

The first step is to speak with your high school principal. BFLO cannot enrol students directly into the setting; all students must go through the referral process.


Speak to your school and ask if a tour can be arranged. BFLO only offers tours to prospective students who are supported by one of the listed Bendigo schools.

Bendigo Flexible Learning Options
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